
Tuesday, December 9, 2014


I'm trying to be a better blogger, really I am. So far I think I'm doing a pretty good job actually. It's been over a month now and I've blogged at least once a week. And I haven't quit yet! That's a plus. I'm still not sure if anyone reads this thing - according to blogger I've had a couple page views that weren't internet robots but I'm skeptical. Who on earth wants to read my crazy blog? I haven't even told my real friends what it's called... Or about... Or that I even have a blog... Maybe that's what is keeping me going. I have a place to rant on about horsey things and I don't have to worry about boring my friends to death.

I know I've mentioned a couple times that I have a project that I'll work on over the holidays. But it's that time now and what have I posted of these mystery projects? Nothing really. So to hold myself to actually do these projects, I figured I'd post a list of my ideas. Maybe those internet robots will hold me accountable...

Nameplate Bracelets - Christmas presents for my horsey friends hand stamped with their ponies' names!
Another Beaded Browband!
A new Western Showmanship Jacket? (this one might get postponed, its a pretty time-consuming project)
Possibly a couple of tack bags?
Bit warmers, hand warmers

Geez. I know I had more ideas than that. I  guess some of them will just have to be a surprise when (and if) I actually get around to doing them.

And an update: I never actually got around to clipping Desi. There's too many "natural" horse people (and no, I'm not talking natural horsemanship - I'm talking the kind of people who won't use fly spray because it has chemicals) at my barn and I know I'd get crap for impairing my horse's natural heat regulation system. Plus I'm having a hard enough time keeping weight on him so I'll just be a little more careful about working him hard enough to sweat too much. I may eventually clip him but for now he'll stay fuzzy.

And because posts are so much more interesting with pictures, here's a funny horse picture. Not my photo, I pulled it off of google :)

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