
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Gearing up for the crazy season... erhm, I mean the holidays!

I'm a crazy nut-job when it comes to the holiday season. I decorate EVERYTHING and my horse has no choice but to participate in my day-after-thanksgiving decoration frenzy. Last year I posted a photo of a saddle pad that I had trimmed with white fur. Well, to inspire some new creativity this year I thought I'd post the final product :)
Unfortunately, I hadn't added the trim to the pad yet so it's not the complete ensemble...
Note the glittery silver star on his butt, it's hard to see in the picture but it's there.

Poor Desi had to wear this getup every ride through the whole month of December. At least he became thoroughly de-spooked to wearing all kinds of hats and fluff.

To complete the look, I wore a red coat, glued a Santa hat to my spare helmet, and played Christmas music during every ride!

Believe I'm crazy yet? Just you wait and see what lovely "decorations" I have in store for this year (Insert evil laugh here).

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