
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

5 Reasons Why I'm A Horrible Blogger

I'm going to let you in on a little secret... I am possibly the world's worst blogger. If you look at the date of this post, compared to the last one, it's been almost a year. It's not like I haven't had a TON of things to discuss, I'm just lazy sometimes. Actual horse time has taken priority over cyber-horse-stuff. As has a lot of other things... well to be honest, everything ;). My blog has been sad and neglected. So why, you might ask, am I such a terrible, lazy blogger? Well, here is my little list:

5.)  I've been super busy with life. I'm a poor college student who is taking a full load of classes and sometimes things come up. While I've been really dedicated to my horse, my blog has been ignored.
4.) I was working two jobs. Sleep was far more important to me than much else.
3.) My computer crashed right before finals. That induced a horrible data-crazy panic which involved many trips to the office store and hours on the phone with various customer service representatives and several adventures through the automated phone loop of hell! Not to mention I lost all of my pending posts and blog photos/ideas.
2.) I have great ideas but I'm a perfectionist. This is a problem because I struggle to blog when the lovely ideas in my head turn into garbage on the page. I can't seem to phrase things right. And I try to be sharp and humorous but sometimes I just end up sounding like a dork.
1.) I mentioned it already, but I'm super lazy. Sometimes the thought of walking to the other room and turning on my laptop just sounds like too much work. I'll do it tomorrow, or next week... or never...

So there was my list. It is by no means all-inclusive but it should give you an idea why I've been silent for almost a year. What I'd really like to know is why on earth I decided to start again...

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